Most fitness magazines show the same type of "fit-looking" women.
Some, though, show women who are figure competitors.
But my ideal body type is more like this.
I want to have the six pack AND the big, full glutes. The hard part for some women (who arenot blessed the genetic material to have full, round butt) is to chisel away body fat while keeping their curvy parts curvy. It basically comes down to weightlifting and diet, depending on where you are at with your body shape. For example, women with a body similar to the first picture (average fitness mag cover girl) would have to incorporate more food into her diet. She would need those extra calories to build up the muscle she is lacking in her lower body. For someone who needs to lose weight first would need a different weightlifing plan and diet to achieve the same look. It all comes down to hard work, but more realistically genetics. But you can change the shape and size of your butt! More to come about diet and exercise to get a bigger butt!