Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Back in the Gym After a Month Off

Finally! Today was my first day back in the gym in a little over a month.  I pretty much took it easy and focused on form and and balance, instead of lifting heavy weights.  I could definitely tell my balance was off, my muscles were weaker, and I don't have as strong "mind-muscle" connection with my glutes as I have previously had.  My workout consisted of:

1) lunge variations
2) squat variations
3) hip hyperextension exercises
4) a few inclined sprints
5) lower body stretching

I only spent about 30 minutes in gym, I plan on working back up to the 45-60 min routine I was doing before I went to France.

Bad news: My legs are so loose! I definitely see a difference in cellulite, especially on the back of my legs and my entire leg in general is loose.  There are skin folds (I previously couldn't grab) that are easy to squeeze lol.

Good news: All problem areas can definitely be improved.  If your legs look like this or even with more fat, YOU CAN GREATLY IMPROVE THE SHAPE AND LOOK OF YOUR BODY!! With hard work and fixing my rather inconsistent diet, my legs will return to their former tightness in about a month or so (this is the plan, but I MUST follow a strict schedule and eat HEALTHY)

Also in other good news, I had a 1/2 inch "pump" in my glutes and I could see a definite change in them after my workout, that's motivation!

And Part 3 of "Losing Weight and Improving Your Booty coming soon.


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