Saturday, March 16, 2013

Burn Fat and Build Muscle!

Burning fat and building muscle are probaby #1 and #2 on people's wish list.  It may to seem like the big three 1) diet 2) cardio 3) strength training.  For those who just want to build a musc;e "tone" and lose a little jiggle this might be an attainable goals. But for those who want to build curves this is a little trickier.

To build muscle we need calorie surplus.  But what if you're trying to lose belly fat AND build a booty??  This is why bodybuilders have bulking seasons and cutting seasons because these goals require two different game plans.  Some people who are bulking will omit cardio in order to salvage calories to be used for muscle building.  I am not interested in this at this moment because bikini season is coming up!

So what's the plan? I read an article on

What I took from the article was timing  and amount of when to eat carbs and when to change up the percentages of your macros (carbs, fats, and proteins) while also alternating low intensity cardio (supposedly targeting fat) while also lifting weights and days with high intensity cardio.  I'm going to tweak this to fit my school schedule, while erring on the side of building muscle over losing fat.  Also, this is just for me and this is first week I'm trying it.  Another thing is I don't plan on becoming "carb phobic" like so many others.  I'm not a bikini competitor (mad respect though) so I don't want to eat like one.

My schedule should look something like this

-"lower carb before weights
-weights, then protein shake-----lifting heavy as possible w/ proper form
-then post workout meal high carb and protein
-then eating even more at dinner

-average carb intake with good amout of protein* (will add values later)
-class all day until 5
-high intensity cardio (HIT)
-protein shake
-low carb dinner (ex. lots of lean meat and non-starchy veggie)
*this is a variation of the what the article says, it says low carb day, but I'm going to try and balance that bc I still want to have enough calories for my glutes!

-"lower carb" day
-either optional LIT cardio squeezed bt claaes or rest day

-lONG day at hospital
-rest day

-average carbs then LIT
-protein snack (ex. boiled eggs)
-weights (later that day) ----this day i will use lighter weight more reps
-protein shake
-post workout meal (high carbs and protein)
-eat as much as I can (healthy that is)

-average carb early in the day with adeqyate calories
-protein shake
-low carb dinner

-average carbs with protein
-weightss----heavy as possible considering my back injury
-protein shake
-eat, eat, eat!!

So I will try this for the next two weeks see what happens!

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