Sunday, March 17, 2013

Glute Workout After Low Injury

Back pain is not something I'm unfamilar with.  I've been told I have a degenerative spinal disease which sounds like what everybody would have as the aging process goes on...but maybe mine just started earlier. 

Last week I hurt my back during an glute workout when I went up on the weight.  I thought it was just a little issue and continued workout for the next couple of days.  When the pain didn't subside, I played it smart.  I'm going to be nurse so I need my back! I've been resting for 3 or 4  days.

So I'm going to take it easy for my 1st glute/leg workout tomorrow.

The plan

 1) going naked-naked squats, naked lunges, hip hyperextensions because weights can aggrevate my lower back.  I don't particularly enjoy this because this is hindering my muscle growth, but better safe than sorry.  I don't want hinder growth in the long term.
2) core exercises-I need to work on strengthing the core strength I've lost over the holidays.  Lack of core strenth+increase in weights is just asking for a back injury
3) single leg workouts-single leg squats, lunges, split squats, bulgarian lunges, skater squats, single leg deadlifts. 

This will be my first glute workout of the week and I'm hoping to be able to put the weights back in by Thursday, if not then Saturday..we will see!

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