Friday, March 22, 2013

Good Morning!
 I woke sore and satisfied.  I'm still not doing my entire workout for building glutes because of my back injury.  It feels a lot better, but until I get my core strength majorly improved  those will be avoided (mainly deadlifts and heavy squats)

The workout:
deep step ups
walking lunges until failure
side lunges with bar
4x10 deep step ups

walking lunges until failure
3x10 plie squats

2x10 each leg hip hyperextension
walking lunges until faiure
3x10 hip thrust with bar

then-> 10 minutes of hill sprints

Remember! I used light weights, but you must continue lift heavier and heavier weight to make real gains + surplus of calories.  I can tell a slight difference in growth, but I changes in shape and it's becoming firmer.

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